Relational Recovery Weekend Intensive

Dates Coming Soon..

Being ∞ Becoming ∞ Belonging  
Healing intergenerational patterns through CONNECTIONS, education, and practice

  • WHO

    Individuals, couples and families with previous experience in treatment, support groups or therapy related to addictions recovery, mood disorders, codependency, trauma, adult child/marital/relationship issues.

  • WHAT

    Education, discussion, practice and community support related to relational mindfulness, emotional regulation, self-esteem, boundaries, limits, compassion and effective communication.


  • Are you struggling to transfer your therapy tools into real life situations?

  • Are you looking for better ways to communicate with loved ones that leave you feeling understood?

  • Would you love to feel confident expressing your wants and needs to those with whom you are closest?


The Connections Relational Recovery Community will help you establish a solid foundation of knowledge, tools, and skills.

Our workshop provides: 

  • Information to better understand how we become who we are and how we relate to ourselves and others.

  • Ways to recognize patterns in relationships that maintain distance vs closeness.

  • Tools to calm our overactive minds to respond vs react.

  • Each session begins with different exercises to get focused and leave the stresses of the day behind.  Topics explored include how we develop emotionally, understanding individual needs, learning about our personality styles, recognizing dynamics between us and relating to roles we play in our families that we repeat in current relationships.

  • In addition to lectures and handouts, we lead exercises to practice the concepts and tools shared, exploring feelings and developing insights into what blocks us from successful relationships.  


Sharing thoughts, feelings, and experiences each week helps promote connection among group members. Connection is the foundation for all healing and growth.

As topics emerge, educational material will be shared and an experiential practice will follow.

Education is provided to assist in discovering ways to understand ourselves and others in relationships:

  • Relational Recovery     

  • Developing Relational Mindfulness    

  • Recognizing winning and losing strategies

  • Exploration of developmental needs of the individual 

  • Enneagram

  • The Drama Triangle

  • Family Roles

  • And much more… 

Through experiential exercises participants will learn tools and practice skills:

  • Utilization of the Feedback Wheel and Listener Response

  • Family Sculpt

  • Practicing the Pause

  • Time outs

  • Grounding exercises 

A wholehearted evolution in our relationships comes through skills practice and support. This Intensive is for those who want to break relational patterns that no longer serve them and learn strategies to repair and strengthen relationships. Based on our professional practice and our own personal relationship experiences, we know that it can be difficult to make sustained changes alone. However, working within a group of like-minded, compassionate individuals who are openly sharing their own experience, strength and hope can serve as a powerful healing force for sustained growth and meaningful change. This can accelerate any therapy work you are currently doing or serve as relational aftercare.

Your Guides…

  • Barbara Mooney,


  • Lori Albert-Walker,


  • Sabrina Beck,

    M.ED, LPC, NCC - TX LPC # 68070

  • Annie M. Garry,


  • Dr. Deborah Russo,

    PsyD, MS, MA, CES

…….with over 150 years of combined professional experience in relational growth and recovery.

Confirm your space now! Group size is limited….

OLD - Connections Relational Recovery Intensive
from $595.00